Are you struggling to find time for one to one meetings with your emp0loyees?
You know you need to find out more about your employees. Some might have personal problems that are affecting their performance. You’re aware of interpersonal clashes but having so much to do yourself, you don’t feel you can add more stress and work onto your already miles long to do list.
Deep down you know, that this can backfire and you’ll have far bigger issues to deal with then.
I can help you to identify training needs and any issues arising within your team. Together we can create a well-being or development plans for all your employees so they feel valued and they trust you and your organisation. Last thing anyone needs is avoidable stress. Your employees because of unresolved issues but also you having to deal with it, on top of everything else you have to do.
Contact me today for a free, no obligation chat to see if I can help you ease the load and support you and your staff.