How to communicate effectively training
Length: 1 and 1/2 days in Person
or 3 half days Online
Are your employees communicating effectively? You will know if your team is working together well and there is hardly any conflict. However, the chances are, that often people act on assumptions.
Effective Communication is essential part of every relationship. Whether it’s between colleagues, customers and even suppliers. It’s who you know not what you know that makes all the difference. But it’s also about how well you know that person.
We offer in-person and online Effective Communication training, helping your team to communicate better and create good rapport with each other.
After the course you will:
Understand your communication preferences
Use Active Listening Skills when necessary
Understand the importance of building Rapport
Build and maintain healthy relationships with others
Use questions effectively to find the answers you needs
Course Info:
Effective Communication is important to prevent interpersonal conflict, which may look like:
Gossip and badmouthing members of staff
Evident divide between team members
Staff not communicating together effectively
Issues being brought to line manager
Blame culture
Increase in absence
Lack of productivity